Terms for Online Giving: Please Note: There is a 2.9% + 30 cent fee per transaction when using your credit/debit card. If you pay via your bank, there is a 1% + 30 cent fee per transaction. You can select not to pay the fee (the church would then have to pay the fee). You may still mail your financial gift to the church: JUMC PO Box 916, Jordan 13080 as usual. Thank you.
Morning Has Broken UMH 145
I Will Call upon the Lord# 2002
God of Grace and God of Glory UMH 577
Lord, Speak to Me UMH 463
Shalom to You # 666
Proverbs 1: 20 - 33
James 3: 1 - 12
Today's Word ...
"Tongue of Blessing or Curse?"
Pastor Se Gye Shin
Next Week's Scripture
James 3: 13 - 4: 3, 7 - 8a
You may post a prayer request live during the service via Facebook and we will share it during joys and concerns.
Please remember that you need to have the person's permission if praying for someone other than yourself. Thanks!
Look for Opportunities of Ministry Daily
Continuously Share God's Love. Sometimes, it's just a smile that is needed. Call those you haven't seen and wonder where they are... check on your neighbors. Pray for those that haven't shared their concerns or worries....... we all have them. And especially pray for those that have shared! Send cards! Look for more ways to help.
Sunday School kicked off on Sunday 9/8 during 9:30 service
We have an exciting year planned! Please consider bringing your child to church and Sunday School and watch them grow in faith. Children attend service until scripture passages and sermon begin and they rejoin you to take communion monthly or at the end of the service .
Join us on Thursday, Sept 19th beginning at 9:30 am to make Apple pies for the Jordan Fall Festival. Come join the fun.
Parking Lot – so far
Thank you so much for the contributions that continue to come in for the parking lot! The process is moving forward as we continue to raise funds. Our goal for raising money is $30,000 for that purpose, to help offset some of the expenditures ….we have raised $26,109…so far. Amazing!! And still climbing! Thank you, thank you!!!
JUMC Small Group Study - "Reading Wesley"
Beginning on Monday, September 9 at 7 pm we will hold our small group study. Feel free to email the church, if you wish to sign up or call.
Cans & Bottles – Great Job so far!
Drop your returnable cans and bottles at Hurdy’s Bottle Redemption locations in Weedsport or Elbridge and ask the person on the counter to donate your proceeds to JUMC. Take your returnable bottles anywhere and bring the money here. Or you can bring your returnable bottles here and we will redeem them for you. Every little bit helps!
Food Pantry Workers are always needed. It's never too late to get involved. Please reach out to Bev Green or Chris Town or contact the church office for more info. Or call 315-689-6240 x 115.
Church Communication via Postal Service **** PO Box 916 ****
Communication of mail via the post office is electronically sorted. If PO Box # is not on your envelope - your mail will likely be returned to you.
Copyright © 2019 Jordan United Methodist Church - All Rights Reserved.
63 Elbridge Street, PO Box 916, Jordan, NY 13080